78 research outputs found

    Optimization in 3D Scene Acquisition with Two Mobile Robots.

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    This article presents a method for cooperative reconstruction of three-dimensional scenes using multiple views. Although the use of multiple views is one of the most applied in the 3D scenes interpretation, its use with a single mobile robot does not guarantee the perfect localization of the environment, due to odometry errors. Also, the reconstruction of dynamic environments is not allowed for a single robot, which takes views in different instants. This work proposes a system formed by multiple robots to get a cooperative reconstruction of the scene. The robots decide the best strategy to acquire the image to get the best reconstruction using an objective function defined. In this function, mainly are considered uncertainty of the reconstruction and view points. The result of this optimization is the next position of the robots

    A PDDL-based simulation system

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    This paper presents a planning simulation system that allows automated planning practitioners to experiment with planning domains, defined using the PDDL language. The proposed system has a modular architecture including a SAT planner (PDDL parser, SAT encoder and SAT solver), a plan simulator and a 3D view user interface. Most of these modules can be changed with other with similar purpose. This system allows users to test and validate PDDL domains and solutions, using an attractive user interface that includes the simulation of the execution of the plan on a 3D view as an animation

    Changes in the Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Its Response to Acute CPAP Treatment

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    INTRODUCTION: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The goal of this study was to demonstrate whether the use of CPAP produces significant changes in the heart rate or in the heart rate variability of patients with OSA in the first night of treatment and whether gender and obesity play a role in these differences. METHODS: Single-center transversal study including patients with severe OSA corrected with CPAP. Only patients with total correction after CPAP were included. Patients underwent two sleep studies on consecutive nights: the first night a basal study, and the second with CPAP. We also analyzed the heart rate changes and their relationship with CPAP treatment, sleep stages, sex and body mass index. Twenty-minute segments of the ECG were selected from the sleep periods of REM, no-REM and awake. Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) were studied by comparing the R-R interval in the different conditions. We also compared samples from the basal study and CPAP nights. RESULTS: 39 patients (15 females, 24 males) were studied. The mean age was 50.67 years old, the mean AHI was 48.54, and mean body mass index was 33.41 kg/m(2) (31.83 males, 35.95 females). Our results showed that HRV (SDNN) decreased after the use of CPAP during the first night of treatment, especially in non-REM sleep. Gender and obesity did not have any influence on our results. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support that cardiac variability improves as an acute effect, independently of gender or weight, in the first night of CPAP use in severe OSA patients, supporting the idea of continuous use and emphasizing that noncompliance of CPAP treatment should be avoided even if it is just once

    Influencia lunar en cultivos, animales y ser humano

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    Los saberes ancestrales son la base para solucionar problemas de manera sencilla. La luna, desde tiempos pasados se ha mostrado como un indicador de afectaciones tanto en el suelo, los animales de distintas regiones y el hombre. La influencia lunar tiene un gran efecto en la pecuaria, debido a que los animales dependen de la luminosidad para alimentarse o salvaguardar su vida, las fases lunares tienen un efecto positivo en la ganadería y en los animales marinos ya que benefician algunos aspectos de cada especie, mientras que en los anfibios la luna ayuda en la búsqueda de su pareja y así perpetuar su especie. En la agricultura, la influencia lunar es de gran importancia dependiendo del tipo de producto a sembrarse, ya que solo algunos se favorecen de etapas lunares como Zea mayz, mientras que otros se perjudican, como el frijol, el cual es más propenso a las plagas. En el hombre, aun cuando se han realizado diferentes investigaciones relacionadas con el tema, todavía existen criterios diferentes en cuanto a la influencia de la luna sobre la salud y ciertas enfermedades.

    TecnologĂ­as de la informaciĂłn y comunicaciĂłn en la agricultura

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    El uso inadecuado de los recursos naturales contribuye al cambio climático, es por eso que en el presente trabajo de revisión bibliográfica relacionamos las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) con la agricultura, tomando en cuenta como estas favorecen un uso racional y eficiente de los medios, asimismo aportan en la reducción del proceso de cambio climático. Las TIC’s dan paso a la nueva era de la agricultura, conocida como agricultura de precisión, que establece el uso de la tecnología para mejorar eficientemente los procesos productivos, para ello, la agricultura de precisión está compuesta por diferentes dispositivos electrónicos y software, tales como los sistemas de información geográfica, GPS, microcontroladores, sensores, cámaras, drones entre otros. Se puede concluir que el uso de las TIC’s en la agricultura permite lograr una mayor productividad y eficaz uso de recursos naturales tomando en cuenta que en la actualidad existen graves problemas que reducen notablemente la producción alimentaria que afecta a toda la población; llegando a ser una gran alternativa de solución que ayude a aprovechar adecuadamente los recursos y generar mayores ingresos a los productores agrícolas

    Paresia poscrĂ­tica durante estudios de monitorizaciĂłn de vĂ­deo-EEG

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    To know the frequency of Todd s paralysis during the video EEG monitoring studies, to investigate in its pathophysiology, and to confirm its value to localise the epileptic focus. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We reviewed 114 monitoring studies, in 102 patients. RESULTS: Sixty patients had epileptic seizures. An obvious paresis was noted in four seizures of two patients (3 and 1, respectively). Both patients had frontal epilepsy. During the paralysis, in the first patient the EEG showed ictal discharges on the contralateral centrotemporal area. In the second patient, the EEG demonstrated slow waves in the contralateral frontal region. The ictal onset was contralateral to the paresis in all cases. No patient with pseudoseizures had paralysis. CONCLUSIONS: Postconvulsive paralysis are not frequent in video EEG monitoring studies. However, if present it points out to a contralateral seizure onset. In our series it happened in patients with frontal seizures. The EEG may help to clarify if it correspond to a true postictal phenomenon or to a ictal paralysis

    Alpha and beta oscillatory activity during a sequence of two movements

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    OBJECTIVE: We studied movement-related electroencephalographic oscillatory changes in the alpha and beta range during a sequence of two movements in 7 healthy volunteers, in order to investigate the relationship between these changes and each component in the sequence. METHODS: The sequence consisted of a wrist active extension-passive flexion followed by a first and second finger pincer. A total of 10.5 s sweeps were recorded using the level of surface electromyographic (EMG) activity in wrist extensors as trigger, including a 7.5 s pre-stimulus. The sweeps were also realigned manually offline using as trigger the end of the first EMG burst, or the beginning of the second movement. An index of the changes in non-phase-locked energy in the 7-37 Hz range was obtained by averaging single-sweep time-frequency transforms. RESULTS: The duration of each of the movements in the sequence and the relationship between them were compatible with the use of two different motor programmes in the sequence. In the beta band, a decrease in energy (event-related desynchronisation, ERD) began 1.5 s before the onset of the first movement, and was sustained until the end of the second movement. No energy increases were observed until the end of the second movement. In the alpha band, the ERD began 0.5 seconds before the first movement and was sustained throughout the recording. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the beta-event-related synchronisation is related to the end of the whole motor process, and not to the end of each motor programme

    Changes in the heart rate variability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and its response to acute CPAP treatment

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The goal of this study was to demonstrate whether the use of CPAP produces significant changes in the heart rate or in the heart rate variability of patients with OSA in the first night of treatment and whether gender and obesity play a role in these differences. METHODS: Single-center transversal study including patients with severe OSA corrected with CPAP. Only patients with total correction after CPAP were included. Patients underwent two sleep studies on consecutive nights: the first night a basal study, and the second with CPAP. We also analyzed the heart rate changes and their relationship with CPAP treatment, sleep stages, sex and body mass index. Twenty-minute segments of the ECG were selected from the sleep periods of REM, no-REM and awake. Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) were studied by comparing the R-R interval in the different conditions. We also compared samples from the basal study and CPAP nights. RESULTS: 39 patients (15 females, 24 males) were studied. The mean age was 50.67 years old, the mean AHI was 48.54, and mean body mass index was 33.41 kg/m(2) (31.83 males, 35.95 females). Our results showed that HRV (SDNN) decreased after the use of CPAP during the first night of treatment, especially in non-REM sleep. Gender and obesity did not have any influence on our results. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support that cardiac variability improves as an acute effect, independently of gender or weight, in the first night of CPAP use in severe OSA patients, supporting the idea of continuous use and emphasizing that noncompliance of CPAP treatment should be avoided even if it is just once
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